Ted Lasso

Last week, I had binge-watched Ted Lasso (till the end of season 2), and it should be my favorite TV show of this year (until now). When I first heard about Ted Lasso (last year), the coach's Mario-style beard established a psychological distance of 0.3 parsecs. It also reminded me of Charlie Chaplin (though he was excellent and a history), and I activated my self-defense system for silly slapsticks. But when I accidentally heard the synopsis of it - an American college football coach who became an English Premier League coach - I couldn't resist. And I found that it was indeed a  marvelous story about human nature.

No spoilers. But I'd like to say that this show has a story of the demonized one. We usually say that we should not demonize someone, and we must, but sometimes we meet so many demons (not literally, of course) in our life. We (including me) are prone to be demons when there is a slip between our self-esteem and our perception of others. Whether it is higher or lower than my actual status does not matter, but the gap and its magnitude are critical. I believe that objectively knowing myself is the most important thing for not being a demon.

I'm impressed by Ted Lasso because it hasn't gone on an exaggerated way or taken a sudden twist. The show walks its way rigidly; the show sets up an astounding (and also awkward) stage and characters and just observes how they are going through. So, I'm deadly looking forward to Season 3. Because it is the only way that we can see their choices.