The Price of Credit

If I have to name one I hate most, I can give you a name without hesitation: Woo-Suk Hwang. In 2005, he published in the journal of Science that he successfully cloned the human embryonic stem cell. He was called the "Pride of Korea," and no Korean scientist got so much spotlight before him. When it turned out that everything was a fraud, the consequence was inevitably devastating. I believe he stood at the beginning of the diminishing of credibility in Korea. Experts had authority and respect in Korea, but people were getting hard to believe anything after him. The cost of credit has been hiking.

The US is an efficient country, and I think the efficiency comes from the credit. Last week, I ordered a filter for my air purifier. A few days later, I got a notification that it arrived, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I contact the customer service, and they simply placed a reshipment. In a low-credit society, I should've had to prove it. How could I confirm that I couldn't get a delivery? The ineffective and redundant processes and rules must follow. Many US systems are based on the belief that most are good-minded people, which works effectively in most cases. And the legal system can afford to handle a few bad guys. However, as the evil-minded ones grow, the social revenue turns to minus at any moment. New rules, laws, disbelieves, and the beginning of the credit recession.

Now we're watching the most powerful man in the US are opening the door to the lose-lose game. He does not respect the tradition and implicit agreements, and he is spreading disbelief. It could be a momentary hiccup, but it also can be the beginning of the credit liquidity crisis. Keeping my credit and having a good relationship with those I can trust would be the most important things.